
This section contains noteworthy information and useful resources about preconfigured settings that you can use or edit in Beeline Professional.

A. Preconfigured Worker Classifications

Classifications identify how to correctly compensate talent according to their duties and responsibilities and play an important role in accurate reporting, budgeting, compliance, and sourcing.

Preconfigured Worker Classifications are available for you to use in a newly provisioned tenant.

Table 1. A list of all preconfigured classifications
Worker classification Type Description



Company employees are individuals who are paid by company payroll. They may include full and part time workers, contract (fixed-term) employees, and paid interns.

Temporary Worker/Staff Augmentation

Non Employee

Individuals engaged through a vendor/supplier by the company for limited periods of time to add staff to existing company teams when additional skills or people are needed to complete a task due to lack of sufficient resources in house or temporary vacancies. These workers have a defined start and end date and often take day to day work direction from company employees. The scope of activities are typically defined by a job role and the workers are generally paid by their employer based on time worked.

Project Consultant

Non Employee

Teams from specialized providers that work under a SOW with specific and documented deliverables. Projects are clearly defined and success is measured by the work product that is delivered against the SOW. The company does not provide daily management or direction to the consultants and should not be involved in the selection of the vendor team members.

Independent Contractor

Non Employee

These are self-employed individuals engaged on a time and materials basis. Work is directed by Company employees.

Managed/Outsourced Services

Non Employee

Suppliers engaged under a long-term agreement to take ownership of an end-to-end process. Company does not provide daily management or direction to the vendor workers and should not be involved in the selection of the vendor team members.

Partner Employee

Non Employee

Employees of a partner company, who work under a technology collaboration agreement, development agreement or similar agreement.


Non Employee

Non-employees who do not fit the other categories who may require building or other systems access.

Other (Unknown Contingent)

Non Employee

Workers from systems such as Workday which identify workers as non-employee but provide no further information on classification.