About supervisory organizations

A Supervisory Organization is a hierarchical structure you can use to order employees and contingent workers based on their reporting and managerial relationships.

As a Beeline Professional administrator, you can use supervisory organizations to build and visualize person to person relationships and define managerial and reporting connections for employees and contingent workers in Beeline Professional.

All Workers in Professional are associated with a Supervisory Organization. You can build supervisory organizations that mirror your divisions, departments, and teams in a way that represent the management and reporting hierarchies in your company. You don’t use supervisory organizations to manage finances or financial responsibilities.

Business units typically focus on functional, divisional, or geographic groupings to track metrics and costs. Supervisory Organizations give you the flexibility to set up hierarchies that match your business processes, approval workflows, and security requirements.

You can configure Supervisory Organizations to organize your business process routing (including task assignment) security, and reporting. Supervisory Organizations ensure that the correct individuals within your organization have the correct access to view information and take necessary actions.

How Supervisory Organizations work
  • Typically, each Supervisory Organization has one Manager and includes the Workers who report to that Manager.

  • Supervisory Organization Managers belong to the Organization hierarchically superior to the one they manage. Managers don’t belong to the Supervisory Organization they manage.