Scheduling customized reports exports

You can export customized reports data on a regular schedule to ensure that timely data is available when needed. When you customize a report that you’d like to export again, set a schedule to export it regularly.

You can define these criteria when you schedule an export:

  • The date and time the export occurs

  • The frequency the export repeats

  • The file format for the export.

To find your exported data, go to Reports  Exports.

You can create only one scheduled export for each customized report.

Before you begin

  • Identify which customized report you want to export regularly. For information about customized reports, see Creating customized reports.


To schedule an export of a customized report, complete these steps from any supported browser.

  1. Log in to Professional.

  2. From the left navigation, go to Reports  My Reports and select the report you plan to export.

  3. Select Actions from the upper right of the side panel, and then select Schedule Export. A In the Schedule Export dialog displays.

    schedule report export
    Figure 1. The Schedule Export option in Actions
  4. Use the Start date calendar to set the date you want your export to begin.

  5. From the Preferred Time list, select when you want the export to occur.

  6. Set the frequency of your export using one of these options:

    • Never - to schedule the export to run only once.

    • Daily - to export data once every day.

    • Weekly - to export data once every week.

    • Bi-Weekly - to export data every two weeks.

    • Monthly - to export data once every month.

    • Annually - to export data once every year.

  7. From the File Format list, select the format in which you want to export your information.

  8. Select Schedule. In the My Reports table, a calendar displays to the right of the report indicating your export was scheduled.

Next steps

A notification displays when your export is ready. Select Notifications and then Download to save a copy of the exported file to your local device.

You can also download and review your exported customized reports in the Reports hub. From the left navigation, go to Reports  Exports.

Editing a scheduled export

To make further changes to a scheduled export, complete these steps:

  1. Go to Reports  My Reports and select the report you want to edit.

  2. From the Actions menu select Edit Scheduled Export and make your changes.

    edit report scheduled export
    Figure 2. The Edit Scheduled Export option in Actions
  3. Select Save.

Deleting a scheduled export

To delete a scheduled export, complete these steps:

  1. Find the scheduled export you want to delete and select Actions from the upper right of the side panel.

  2. Select Edit Scheduled Export. An Edit Scheduled Export dialog displays.

  3. Select Remove Schedule.

    remove schedule reports
    Figure 3. The Edit Scheduled Report dialog