Building work schedules

Work Schedules outline the days when work tasks must be completed and can be used to manage the predicted amount of work in an organization. In Beeline Professional, Work Schedules are used for timesheets and job posting budget calculations.

As a Beeline Professional administrator, you configure work schedules that support the business requirements of a particular client.

Before you begin

  • You must have administrator access to the tenant site you’re setting up.


To configure work schedules for your program, complete these steps from any supported browser.

  1. Log in to the Professional tenant site you’re setting up.

  2. Go to Settings  Timesheet Settings and select the Work Schedules tab.

  3. From the upper right of the Work Schedules table, select Add.

  4. In the New Schedule dialog, complete these details to configure the work schedule:

    • Label

    • Reference ID

    • Working Days

    • Start Day

    • Due Day Offset

    • Standard Daily Hours

    • Daily Working Hours

  5. Select Done.

  6. Optional. To edit a schedule, select Actions  Edit. You can add or remove days for the work schedule that you want to configure.