Displaying financial fields on engagements

As a Beeline Professional administrator, you manage the information that displays in the worker and engagement profiles in Professional. You can choose which tabs display on the Worker Profile page by modifying profile data smart forms.

To display financial fields, you can add these elements to the Finance smart form:


Displays all the active financial fields available in Professional.


Displays an individual active financial field. You can select the name of your financial field from the Select Custom Field Definition list.

Before you begin

  • You must have administrator access to Professional.


To display financial fields on engagements, complete these steps from any supported browser.

  1. Log in to Professional.

  2. From the left navigation, go to Settings  User Interface Settings and select the Worker Profile tab. The smart forms that manage the worker profile information display in a configurable list.

  3. Enable the Engagements toggle in the Tabs section.

  4. Select Engagements to expand all available configuration options.

  5. Enable the Finance toggle and then select Edit from the right of Finance item. The Finance smart form displays.

  6. To add a new element, select an element in the UI panel. An + Add New Element button displays. Select + Add New Element and then select the element you want to add from the list. The element you added is included after the element you selected.

  7. Optional: To rearrange elements, drag and drop them to the location you want in the UI editor.

  8. Select Save.