2023 | Beeline Professional release notes

The release details outline the major features and enhancements for Beeline Professional in 2024.

Q4 | 2023


Quick Reports: Available from additional locations!

Quick Reports are now available from the Contracts, Job Postings, Job Applications, Suppliers, and Work Requests hubs in Beeline Professional. Use Quick Reports to group a combination of filters, save them as a view and give them a title of your choice. To learn more, see this Roadmap portal card or check out this Quick Reports eLearning module.

Candidate Submit: Default currency type

Suppliers no longer need to select a currency type when they’re submitting a Candidate to a Job Posting. The bill and pay rate currency types automatically default to match the posting bill rate. Suppliers can still change the currency types, but the default values simplify submitting a job application and reduce the chance a Candidate is submitted with an incorrect currency.

Quickly view timesheet submitter information

When a Hiring Manager or Timesheet Approver drills down into a timesheet, they can instantly see how a timesheet was submitted, such as by the Worker, by the Supplier or via an import task. The Timesheet Summary now includes a Submitter field that shows the name and ID of the timesheet submitter.

Hiring Managers or Timesheet Approvers immediately know whom to follow up with if they have questions about a submitted timesheet. In addition, exported Time and Expenses pages also include data about the timesheet submitter.

Bulk update user profiles with the Import Tool

Tenant Administrators can now upload and update user profiles using the Import Tool. Import templates are automatically available in all Beeline Professional tenants.

Tenant Administrators can navigate to the Import Tool using one of these options:

  • Select the Import Data icon under Quick Actions on the Home page.


  • Select the Import Data link from the Users page in the User Management section under Settings.

Connect API: Manage users

Using the Connect API, you can easily manage resources and synchronize data in Beeline Professional with your enterprise systems. You can GET, POST or PATCH transactional or reference data using the Connect API.

Now you can add, update and deactivate users with real-time transactions using the new User APIs. See the Beeline Professional Developers Portal to learn more about the Connect API.


Supplier app & Talent app: system-generated emails are branded Beeline

Emails generated from the Supplier and Talent apps were updated to indicate those apps are part of your Beeline Professional VMS. You’ll notice changes to content to match Beeline’s style and see the Beeline logo and Beeline as the brand name instead of Utmost.


Managing scoring rules is easier!

Users can now import and export scoring rules used in their work request workflow instead of manually editing each rule. This enhancement streamlines managing scoring rules in your work request workflows.

Alert: Import logs retention

Effective Friday, November 10, 2023, import logs older than 120-days will be removed from Production. Going forward, import logs will be available in Production and test environments for 90-days only. You can access import logs from Settings  Monitoring  Import Logs.

Supplier and Talent apps are branded Beeline

Your Supplier and Talent apps were updated to reflect that they’re part of the Beeline Professional VMS. You’ll now see the Beeline logo and Beeline as the brand name instead of Utmost.

Q3 | 2023


Manage Worker skills via self-service!

Suppliers and Workers can select skills from a catalog of built-in talents and aptitudes on a Worker’s profile from the Worker app. The built-in skillset catalog standardizes skill categories and facilitates Worker assessment. Suppliers and Workers can also add skills that might be missing from the catalog.

In addition, Suppliers can manage a Worker’s skills when they’re submitting a Worker as a Candidate. Plus, Customers can view skills and experience on a Candidate’s profile from Beeline Professional.

Worker app: Timesheet alert

Beeline Professional Administrators can set up a notification to alert Workers about an upcoming timesheet that needs to be submitted. When configured, Workers will automatically see an in-app message and receive an email alerting them they have a timesheet to submit.

Talent may voluntarily self-identify demographics

Workers can voluntarily self-identify demographic information in the Talent app. Demographic information provided is kept completely confidential. Data is available to Customer and Suppliers for reporting only.

Connect API: Pagination limit

Using the Connect API, you can easily manage resources and synchronize data in Beeline Professional with your enterprise systems. You can GET, POST or PATCH transactional or reference data using the Connect API.

Managing bulk operations using the Connect API during peak performance hours, might inadvertently degrade your Beeline Professional performance. To help ensure that critical system operations run smoothly, a pagination limit parameter is required on all Connect API requests. The limit parameter has a maximum value of 1500.

See the Beeline Professional Developers Portal to learn more about the Connect API.

User permission settings

Previously, you could set up user permissions from Settings  Client IDs. That navigation was removed. Now you can set up user permissions from Settings  Security & Permissions or from Settings  Permissions. The new location improves your user experience by instinctively consolidating permission controls in a single location.

Import tool upgrade—September 22

On Friday, September 22, 2023, we’re going to enhance the Import tool to be more reliable and easier to use with new Beeline Professional features.

Import logs generated prior to this enhancement will not be available after the enhancement goes to Production. Please make sure you download any existing imports logs you want to retain. You can access import logs from Settings  Monitoring  Import Logs.

Can’t find a notification you were expecting? Check your Junk Email or Spam folder.

Beginning Friday, September 8, 2023, we will begin gradually rebranding emails automatically sent to you from Beeline Professional.

Previously, system-generated emails were sent from Utmost services+noreply@utmost.co. System-generated emails will be sent from Beeline Professional noreply@services.beeline.com.

Because emails will be sent from a new email address, your system-generated emails might be directed to your Junk Email or your Spam folder. So be sure to check those folders and add Beeline Professional noreply@services.beeline.com as a safe sender.

Track allotted meal breaks

Some Customers need to track allotted meal breaks on timesheets for specific locations. If your organization needs to track allotted meal breaks, you can have Beeline Professional set up to display a Meal Break Attestation dialog when a Worker submits their timesheet. Workers must select values from the lists to track any allotted meal breaks before they can successfully submit a timesheet.

Tracking meal break attestation requires a Technical Support Request and Enterprise platform configuration. Contact your Client Services Representative to learn more.

Visualize ABAC permissions

Beeline Professional uses Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) to regulate what data is visible to users. As an Administrator, you now have a diagnostics tool to help you visualize ABAC permissions for various areas of Beeline Professional. Use the Permission Visualizer to help you troubleshoot why user interface (UI) fields are not visible or available to users because of their ABAC permissions.

To turn on the Permission Visualizer, select Settings  Tenant Configuration. Next, select the Admin Helpers tab, and then toggle the Permission Visualizer on.


Effective dating rate changes

Keeping Workers' compensation rates up to date is important to your workers and to your program’s successful operations. Worker rates can change and you need a way to ensure rate changes are effective on the correct date. For example, a Worker may have received a pay increase that is backdated one month. You need to apply the rate increase with an effective date in the past and ensure that timesheets are recalculated correctly.

You can use the Import Data tool and a Worker Import to set effective dates for a rate on an individual Worker record or a group of Worker records. Plus, you can effective date/backdate the rate change to make it retroactive.

Track Worker time attestation

Some Customers want to track a Worker’s consent that information logged in a timesheet is accurate and correct. Time Attestation prompts Workers to select a checkbox to certify that a timesheet is accurate and correct before they can successfully submit it. You can view Time Attestation values on a Worker’s timesheet from the Time & Expenses hub. You can also extract Time Attestation values for reporting.

Worker app: Add location to timesheet entry

Workers can associate a location to a timesheet entry.

Suppliers can manage and correct rejected invoices

Occasionally, a Supplier might inadvertently submit an invoice with inaccurate or inactive data. Now Suppliers can remove or add timesheets and expenses to correct errors on a rejected invoice, and then resubmit the invoice for approval. This enhancement eliminates the need to create a new invoice, streamlines correcting invoice errors, and helps ensure Workers are paid on time.


Easily get higher visibility into your sourcing processes

Visibility into the lifecycle, history, and results of your sourcing processes can help you reduce costs, improve process efficiency, mitigate Supplier risks, and build long-term relationships with your Suppliers. As a Hiring Manager or a Program Management Office user, you can get insights into your sourcing processes faster and more efficiently. You can easily see relationships between work requests, job postings, job applications, and engagements.

Quickly which view job postings were created from each Work Request in a new Associated Outcome column available from these locations:

  • Between the Requester and Submitted Date columns on the Work Requests hub

  • At the far right of the Job Titles Details page that displays when you drill down into a Job Title from the Work Requests hub

    Easily determine how a Candidate was sourced by tracking the links between a job posting, a job application and a Candidate. From the Job Application hub, drill down into an Associated Job Application link and quickly view the corresponding Job Posting Details page displays with the Candidate pane at the right on top of the page.

    Plus when you drill down into a Candidate from the Job Application Details page, you have immediate access to a link to the related job posting. You can also select View Processes from the Action menu and quickly view the associated process history for a job application to a job posting.

    Quickly discover which job application and job posting an engagement was sourced from. When you drill down into a Worker’s profile from the Workers hub, you can instantly see a link to the job application the Worker was sourced from in the Job Application Details section on the Engagements tab. In addition, when you drill down into an engagement from the Engagements hub, you can easily navigate to a link of the related job application.

Managing data with Smart Forms just got easier!

As an Administrator, you can use Smart Forms to collect the data you need to run your business in Beeline Profession. You can now use Smart Forms from a graphical user interface, which makes creating and updating forms via self-service simpler. You can quickly create forms, and instantly see how information will look to your users from the Preview pane. Upgraded Smart Forms are automatically available in Beeline Professional.

Cross-engagement timesheets supported

Workers can now enter time for the same week against multiple client projects using the Add Time dialog available from the Worker app. When a timesheet is submitted, the total hours for a work day and the total hours for a workweek are correctly calculated across all of the Worker’s engagements. This enhancement streamlines time entry for Workers while ensuring that timesheet amounts are correctly calculated and tracked in Beeline Professional.

Q2 | 2023

More features in your Contracts app!

From your Contracts app, you can easily view all of your contracts, contract details, milestones, and the associated engagements from a single location. Plus, you can quickly create new contracts.

These features were added to the Contracts app, simplifying your experience managing and creating statements of work (SOWs), master service agreements (MSAs) and freelance contracts:

  • Add a contract from Front Door

  • Drill down in a contract and view all of the ongoing and completed processes from the Processes tab

  • Drill down in a contract and then use the Action menu to see the Change History

  • Sort which contracts you’re viewing using Filters, such as Type, Parent Contract, Contracting Party, and Requestor

  • Export contract data

  • Import contract data using the Import tool

  • Edit an existing contract and set up notification workflows

  • Build approval workflows for contract tasks

  • Compose custom notifications for contract tasks; you can even include dynamic fields as text

  • Design workflows that drive status selection based on the contract’s relative start and end dates

  • Construct create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) permissions for contract fields and UI components

    Adding the Contracts app to your Enterprise application requires a Raise a Technical Support Request and Enterprise platform configuration. Contact your Client Services Representative to learn more about the Contracts app.

Easily determine engagement ownership

As a Program Manager or an MSP, you need to easily report on and identify where the non-employee Talent and engagements you administer are managed. Whether that’s in your Enterprise platform, in Workday® or in another Human Capital Management (HCM) solution.

Now when you’re viewing a Worker Profile or using the Worker app, icons help you instantly identify these criteria:

  • Which solution is the system of record where the details of an engagement are managed

  • Whether data is automatically synchronized between your Enterprise platform and your Workday® system or another HCM solution

  • Whether the engagement is the primary assignment

    Plus, you can generate a report showing Workers and engagement data for Workers with at least one engagement managed in your Enterprise platform. Identifying where engagements are managed can help you:

  • Gather metrics on how many records you might be tracking in more than one system

  • Eliminate duplicate records and reduce the cost of managing your non-employee Talent

  • Simplify Attribute Based Access Control policies for your users

  • Create targeted processes to expedite workflows in your Enterprise platform

    Viewing Engagement Ownership requires a Raise a Technical Support Request and Enterprise platform configuration. Contact your Client Services Representative to learn more about the Engagement Ownership feature.

Control Move Stage visibility for job application stages

Statuses and stages combine with your processes to drive your business workflows for job applications. In addition, users with the applicable privileges can manually change the state of a job application using Move Stage. Occasionally, users might inadvertently change the state of a job application using Move Stage to an incorrect stage, which affects the downstream processes and causes issues.

Now, your Enterprise administrator can show or hide the Move Stage action for specific job application stages and limit what’s visible to users from Move Stage. This enhancement lets you prevent users from manually changing the state of a job application to an incorrect stage and reduces potential downstream issues in your sourcing workflows.

To control Move Stage visibility, select your Avatar from the upper right corner of your Enterprise platform, and then select Settings. Scroll down in the left pane to locate and select Sourcing. Then use the Actions menu on the Job Applications tab to control Move Stage visibility for the job application stage you select.

My Content app: quickly access exports

Quickly view exports you’ve initiated from My Content. My Content centralizes exports in a consolidated location. From My Content you can easily find files, take actions, and see dates, statuses, requested by, details, and more from one place.

To go to My Content,

  • From the Home page, select the Exports Hub icon. My Content displays by default.


  • Select your Avatar from the upper right corner of your Enterprise platform, and then select My Account. My Content displays under My Account in the pane next to the left navigation.

Quickly rescind an offer to an approved Candidate

As an MSP, you may occasionally need to withdraw an offer to a Candidate approved for a job posting for a number of reasons. For example, the Candidate failed your required background checks, they are no longer available, or they didn’t arrive onsite for their engagement.

You can now quickly withdraw an offer to a Candidate approved for a job posting from the Candidates tab in the Job Postings app. Rescinding an offer lets you easily extend an offer to another Candidate without reopening the job posting. You can easily withdraw a single approved Candidate or a group of approved Candidates.

To rescind a Candidate, follow these steps from the Job Postings app. Locate and select the Job Title link for the posting you want to manage. Next, select the Candidates tab. Locate the Candidate or Candidates whose offer you want to withdraw, and then select the Rescind button or select Rescind from the Actions menu. Next, confirm your action on the Rescind Candidate dialog that displays.

When you rescind a Candidate, be sure to resolve any engagement created as a result of the Candidate being approved for the job posting.

Adding the Rescind feature requires a Raise a Technical Support Request and Enterprise platform configuration. You can also have your Enterprise platform set up to automatically send emails to the appropriate users when an approved Candidate is rescinded. Contact your contact your Client Services Representative to learn more about the Rescind feature.

Upload contract details using the Import tool

Using the Import tool (aka DocYard) lets you save time and easily manage and import worker records, engagements, and other data to your Enterprise app (Beeline Professional Edition). Now you can use the Import tool to create and manage contract and milestone details in your Enterprise platform.

If you want assistance determining which import template and data model to use, contact your Client Services Representative.

Early Access: New Location for Tasks

To ensure you don’t miss items that might require your immediate attention and action, you can easily find Tasks in the left navigation pane of your Enterprise platform. Previously, you could view Tasks using the Tasks icon that was located in the upper right corner between the Notifications icon and your Avatar.

Early Access: Quickly manage pending tasks from a centralized location—the All Tasks tab

As an MSP Administrator or a PMO Administrator, you’re responsible for managing your clients’ program, ensuring pending tasks are processed on time and that Candidates are onboarded when expected. Now you can easily manage all pending tasks from an All Tasks tab and quickly reduce your backlog of pending tasks.

Just select the Tasks icon in the left navigation of your Enterprise platform. Next, select All Tasks to instantly view a visually rich, comprehensive list of every pending task all on one page!

Immediately view a read-only summary of pending task in the All Tasks list. Quickly drill down in a single task and instantaneously see a Task Summary. Plus from Task Details, you can review task specifics, such as Task Status, Created By, Associated Worker, Assigned Date, and much more.

You can see tasks only for companies where you have permissions to manage and view data. Tasks in All Tasks are read-only unless you’re assigned to the task.

Tasks in the Tasks list automatically sort chronologically with the most recent task at the top. Use the Sort icon to instantly change the order. Or use the Filters icon to open a Filters dialog and choose criteria to sort tasks so you can quickly find exactly what you want to review.

Use the Actions menu to quickly act on a task. You can Delegate a single task or a group of tasks to another user on-the-fly to help resolve pending tasks. Or instantly Terminate a process or task for any reason. For example, it’s missing information or it’s a duplicate of another task.

If you want to troubleshoot why a task is still pending, just drill down into the Process History from Task Details. And then drill down further from Step Details to see the task definition in the Process Designer.