Configuring your Beeline Professional tenant

To use Beeline Professional, you must provision a tenant site and configure it to match the individual business requirements of a client. A tenant site represents an instance of the Beeline Professional software and its supporting infrastructure that multiple users can access.

About provisioning

Provisioning a new tenant for Professional is an automated process and involves setting up the necessary infrastructure including the following:

  • hardware

  • networks

  • virtual machines

  • any other resources that make a tenant site available to systems and users

To start the provisioning process, submit a tenant request form. The provisioning process can take approximately two hours to complete. After the tenant site is provisioned, you must add Beeline Professional administrator users who can perform configuration and administration tasks.

About tenant configuration

As a Beeline Professional administrator, you can set up a tenant site to align with a client’s specific requirements and workflows, optimize processes, and ensure that Beeline Professional meets their operational and business objectives.

Configurable settings and parameters allow you to adjust the tenant configuration starting with customizing the user interface and appearance, to setting security permissions and streamlining workflows.

Steps to configure your tenant

To provision, perform the initial setup, and configure a tenant, complete these tasks.

  1. Add administrator users.

  2. Customize the appearance of the tenant to reflect a client’s branding.

  3. Configure the user interface settings to display the features that are available for interaction.

  4. Import security and permissions policies to ensure that the right people have the right access to view information and take necessary actions.

  5. Create custom classifications to define the relationship between the company and its workers.

  6. Set up custom fields to capture additional data.

  7. Import smart forms to customize the way data is collected.

  8. Configure the enterprise roles to define access levels for different users.

  9. Configure the engagement settings to allow either multiple or single engagement per workers.

  10. Create the job application stages that are required for the sourcing process.

  11. Configure the termination reasons to track the reasons why workers discontinue their service. For more information, see Defining termination reasons.

  12. Configure processes to define the unique workflows and business practices of the client. For more information, see Building processes.

  13. Configure the global start date to allow the application to generate timesheets. For more information, see Setting the global start date.

Next steps

To further define the tenant site, Beeline Professional administrators can import a collection of data that describes the attributes of a particular client such as business sites, cost centers, supervisory organizations, or job profiles. This information is stored in Professional database records and is used to support the unique workflows and processes of a tenant site. For more information about importing foundational data into a tenant, see Importing data in your tenant site.