Editing widget properties

The Beeline Professional Home page consists of modular widgets that make up the application’s information hub. As an administrator, you can configure who can see and interact with the widgets. You can also update the name that displays for each widget, to better suit your requirements.

For example, you can make general widgets, such as task summaries or quick actions, available to everyone and limit metrics-related ones, such as workforce classification data or supplier information, to users with specific roles.

Only the default assignees of the roles you select will be able to access a widget when its availability is restricted to specific roles.

Before you begin

  • You must have administrator access to the tenant site you’re setting up.

  • If you want to restrict a widget’s availability to specific roles, check the role default assignee list and modify it to ensure that it’s accurate. Only default assignees of a specific role will be able to access the widget. To add a default assignee to a role, go to Settings  Enterprise  Roles and select Edit Role from the Actions menu.


To edit widget properties, complete these steps from any supported browser.

  1. Log in to Professional.

  2. From the left navigation, go to Settings  User Interface Settings.

  3. Select the Home tab.

  4. Select Edit from the right of the widget you want to update. The Edit Widget dialog displays.

  5. Optional: To update the name of the widget, enter the new name in the Custom Name field.

  6. Optional: In the Available to section, configure who can see this widget on their Home page:

    • Select Everyone, if you want everyone to see and interact with this widget.

    • Select Specific Roles, if you want to restrict this widget so that only users with specific roles can see it. Next, select the roles that can access this widget from the Specific roles list.

  7. Optional: For widgets that include graphs, select the period you want represented from the Chart Time Range section.

  8. Optional: For widgets that include graphs, select the graph style you prefer from the Chart Style section.

  9. Select Save to update the widget properties and return to the Home page of the User Interface Settings area.

  10. Optional: You can verify that your changes display as intended by selecting the Professional Home page from the left navigation.